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【Vanguard Summit 10】2nd Event | The Era of Large-scale Artificial Intelligence Computing...

Vanguard Summit Series 10

The World Turned Upside Down? Cultural Sea Change in the Era of AI (2nd Event)


Series IntroductionAfter the emergence of generative AI, the world was completely scandalized and our civilization as a whole has definitely entered uncharted waters. Will the world be turned upside down? Are we witnessing the first signs of a new revolution? Or even more drastically, is this the beginning of an end that has shown signs in many aspects of human civilization already, say, the Anthropocene? How are we going to cope with all the possible sea changes, short term and long term? This series is meant to reflect on the vicissitudes brought about by the dawning of this new era.





2nd Event


Time: 2023/11/27(Monday)15:00-17:00 (GMT+8)


Venue: Lecture Hall, College of Liberal Arts, NTU


Topic: The Era of Large-scale Artificial Intelligence Computing: Prospects, Impacts and Responses


Speaker: 梁伯嵩(聯發科技前瞻技術平台資深處長、國立臺灣大學資訊工程系與重點科技學院合聘客座教授)


Moderator: Hsien-hao Liao (Distinguished Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NTU)


Sign-up link: https://forms.gle/nn6dxqV67xHyEQsb7


Speaker's Bio:

梁伯嵩博士任職於聯發科技,擔任前瞻技術平台資深處長,並兼任臺灣大學資訊工程系與重點科技學院合聘客座教授,以及陽明交大產學創新學院之教授級專業技術人員。目前也擔任 IEEE CASS Taipei Chapter (國際電子電機工程師學會 電路與系統協會 台北分會) 主席。交通大學電子研究所博士,臺灣大學管理學院商學組 EMBA。曾獲中華民國十大傑出青年、三度獲得經濟部智財局國家發明創作獎 (發明獎一金二銀)、經濟部技術處產業科技發展獎-傑出青年創新獎、資訊月傑出資訊人才獎、中華民國資訊學會李國鼎青年研究獎等榮譽。



AI 近幾年進展迅速。因為大型語言模型 (Large Language Model,簡稱LLM) 的成熟,衍生許多令人驚豔的全新應用。這個演講將會討論到,人工智慧神經網路,如何藉由 IC 的強大運算力,量變導致質變, 讓AI 的功能湧現。而LLM 訓練的語料,怎樣影響到 AI的能力。以及生成式AI (Generative AI),有能力產生高品質的影像、影片甚或程式設計,如何重塑人類未來的工作與生活。




Organizer:Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, NTU
