Leading-Edge Lecture Series
【Leading-Edge Lecture 36】Tradition, Traditionalism, Post-traditionalism, Beyond the Tradition of Isms
【Leading-Edge Lecture 36】Tradition, Traditionalism, Post-traditionalism, Beyond the Tradition of Isms
【Leading-Edge Lecture 36】
Topic: Tradition, Traditionalism, Post-traditionalism, Beyond the Tradition of Isms: Minor Insights from the Study of Chinese Literature, History and Philosophy
Speaker: Michael Friedrich (Professor, Universität Hamburg; Visiting Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, NTU)
Moderator: Chao-Ying Chen (Distinguished Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, NTU)
Time: 2023/06/26 (Monday) 15:00-17:00 (GMT+8)
Venue: Department of Chinese Literature Conference Room, College of Liberal Arts, NTU
Organizer: Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, NTU
Co-organizer: Department of Chinese Literature, NTU
Co-organizer: Department of Chinese Literature, NTU
Sign-up link: https://forms.gle/b2FJpk4s2ePrbHhq7
Speaker's bio(source: https://icscc.fudan.edu.cn/e2/a5/c31630a385701/page.htm):
傅敏怡(Michael Friedrich)教授,當代德國漢學家,現任德國漢堡大學亞非學院院長。主要研究中國古文字文獻、宋明理學、佛學、中國現代史。曾多次訪問中國,開展學術交流。代表作品有《傳統與現代:我對中國文化的一些體認》《中國哲學的創造——當代儒學的一個主題》《<道德經>兩種寫本的年代》等。
Popularity of a concept does not necessarily indicate its analytical power, it may rather be symptomatic for a shift in scholarly discourse, often pointing to deeper-lying changes in academia and society at large. The talk will first look into the history of the term ‘post-traditionalism’ and by default also into that of ‘traditionalism’, then discuss possible reasons for its present popularity, finally attempt to apply it to Chinese intellectual history. The results will be critically evaluated and put into the context of related concepts such as ‘modernity’.