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【尖端講座系列】第二十七場 The Dead End of Bilingualism 雙語政策的死胡同



主題:The Dead End of "Bilingualism" 雙語政策的死胡同

主講人:Alain Brossat (Professor Emeritus at the Department of Philosophy of Paris 8 University)


時間:1129日(週一)上午10:00-12:00 (GMT+8)





Leading-Edge Lecture 27

TopicThe Dead End of "Bilingualism"

SpeakerAlain Brossat (Professor Emeritus at the Department of Philosophy of Paris 8 University)

Moderator: Hsien-hao Liao (Distinguished Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NTU)

TimeNov. 29th (Mon.) 10:00-12:00 A.M. (GMT+8)

Venue: 1F DFLL Conference Room, Gallery of University History (校史館外文系一樓會議室)

Organizer: Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, NTU

Co-organizer: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NTU

Signup link: https://forms.gle/THVepQuAHQ6KwDxr5


主講人 Speaker:



摘要 abstract:

Bilingualism cannot be established by decree – this is what the speaker stands for in this lecture, arguing against the hollow slogan « Taiwan perfectly bilingual in 2030 », that is English-speaking as well as Mandarin. It focuses on the flaws and biases of this poor and suspect Utopia and stresses that bilingualism cannot be reduced to a matter of social, educational and disciplinary enginnering and training. By refering to contemporary French philosophy (Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida...), it brings out that bi- or pluri-lingualism is related to concrete, actual situations and configurations, collective practices and conducts. It has to be rooted in the civilization of mores (the people's habitus...) and cannot be envisioned and grasped as a requirement dictated by the reasons of State and dealt with as a bureaucratic matter. What people speak or how they pass from a language to another – this is related to everyday life, to the interests, the affects of ordinary people, to the situations and social networks they are involved in. Intending to rule on all that from above, in a vertical and voluntarist way, this paves the road to a linguistic dystopia – Speak on command, speak the global language, speak the language of the master ! Or... - Or what ? You'll cut our tongues ?! 

