本院廖院長赴美訪問史丹佛大學史丹佛人文研究中心(Stanford Humanities Center, SHC)的主任Roland Greene和副主任,並完成初步合作協議。
本院廖咸浩院長於2023年10月底赴日參加年度「全球大學高研院聯盟」UBIAS (University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study)會議3天,於會中與多國高等研究院進行互動交流,獲致重要的合作進展,其中包括與早稻田大學共同擬訂聯盟明年度(2023)主題「Human and Non-human」,並將與早稻田大學合作規劃示範性論壇;同時與丹麥Aarhus大學高等研究院議定,將合作規劃「Quantum Physics and the Future of Humanity」論壇。
2019年12月4日,臺大出版中心、臺大外文系、與本院合作舉辦「東西文學與文化研究叢書Digitalizing the Global Text」新書座談會,主講者為美國南卡羅來納大學副校長兼語言文學文化系教授Paul Allen Miller,本院廖咸浩院長受邀擔任座談會與談人。
講題: Exploring Paths to the Global Humanities
主講人:Paul Allen Miller(美國南卡羅來納大學副校長、語言文學文化系教授)
日期:2019/12/4(三) 10:00-11:30
In this talk, I will discuss briefly the origins scope of the East-West Encounters in Literature and Cultural Studies Series. I will then make some brief observations on the state of globalism and the place of the humanities, before closing with some personal observations on the necessity for a comparative perspective. In particular, I will argue that the need for East-West Comparative work is only growing, that we need to promote transnational literary study as an antidote both to an unprincipled neoliberalism and aid to mutual understanding, and that we must recognize the existence of parallel worlds so evolve new modes of thought that speak between them: the Platonic, the Confucian, Vedic, and the Koranic.
Paul Allen Miller is Vice Provost and Carolina Distinguished Professor at the University of South Carolina. He received his PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Texas in 1989. He has held visiting appointments at the University of the Ruhr (Bochum), the University of Paris 13, and Beijing Language and Cultural University. Allen Miller is the former editor of Transactions of the American Philological Association. He is the author of Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness (1994), Latin Erotic Elegy (2002), Subjecting Verses (2004), Latin Verse Satire (2005), Postmodern Spiritual Practices (2007), Plato’s Apology of Socrates (2010) with Charles Platter, A Tibullus Reader (2013), Diotima at the Barricades: French Feminists Read Plato (2015), and Horace (2019). He has edited fifteen volumes of essays on literary theory, gender studies, and topics in classics as well as published more than 75 articles on Latin, Greek, French, and English literature and philosophy. He is currently at work on a book on Foucault’s late lectures on antiquity.
2017年7月24日及25日,本院與德國漢堡大學寫本文化研究(Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures)合作舉辦「東亞視域中近現代中國的文化變遷」會議,來自美國、德國、加拿大、香港、以及台灣學者專家,在會議中提出不同學術領域與「文化變遷」相關的案例,透過跨領域的交流與討論,對於理解「過去」與「現代」及其相互關係有其重要意義。
後排左起: Zhuofei Wang, Tian-Yi Chao, Diana Arghirescu, Joerg Huesemann, Christian Hein, Adam Lambert, Chun-Yi Joyce Tsai, Shaw-Yu Pan 前排左起: Robert LaFleur, Luisa Shu-Ying Chang, Kirill Thompson, Eric Nelson, Jin-Jung Chiu
「國際大學高等研究院聯盟」(University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study, UBIAS) 係全球高等研究機構經驗分享與促進合作的平台。本院做為 UBIAS 聯盟的一員,特於 2017 年 6 月 13、14日,假臺灣大學霖澤館第一會議室舉辦「Secrets to Running a Vital UBIAS Type Institute: Finding the Right Balance」會議,討論各機構在運作過程中所遇到的機會、挑戰及成功失敗經驗,以及未來發展規畫。

參與會議成員合照 (左至右: 陳昭瑛副院長、Catherine Repussard 教授、
Christine Maillard 院長、Ann Waltner教授、從叢副院長、管中閔院長、
張慶瑞副校長、李用熙院長、黃樹民院士、Christian Hein教授、
Kirill Thompson副院長)
![]() 管院長會議開幕致詞 |
![]() 會議成員相談甚歡 (左:Catherine Repussard教授, 中:Christine Maillard 院長,右:Ann Waltner教授) |
![]() David Wible 教授發言 |
![]() 管中閔院長與從叢副院長交換名片 |
![]() Clarissa Ball 院長分享經驗 |
![]() 李用熙院長介紹韓國高等科學院 |

本院陳昭瑛副院長於 2017 年 6月1日訪問華東師範大學思勉人文高等研究院,該院由譚帆院長、方媛副院長、方笑一副院長及前副院長陳贇教授接待,彼此分享雙方運作模式與經驗。6月2日上午陳副院長拜訪復旦大學中華文明國際研究中心,與金光耀主任、李天綱副主任、章可先生會面,就深化兩機構交流等議題交換意見。6月2日下午陳副院長拜訪南京大學高等研究院,與周憲院長、從叢副院長會談,討論交換學者、學術活動資訊交流等議題,以強化兩院未來合作關係。