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[姊妹機構活動推薦] In Our Image: Artificial Intelligence and the Humanities

活動名稱:In Our Image: Artificial Intelligence and the Humanities
Artificial intelligence has infiltrated our daily lives—in the ways we conduct business, govern, provide healthcare and security, and communicate. The large-scale cultural and societal implications of these changes—and the ethical questions they raise—pose a serious challenge as we embrace a future increasingly shaped by the implementation of AI technology.
Join us for a series of virtual events—presentations, conversations, webinars, film screenings, and an art exhibition—highlighting perspectives from leading humanists, scientists, engineers, artists, writers, and software company executives collectively advancing inquiry into key emerging questions. With events and convenings spread out over three weeks, this series of events is intended to foster future cooperation and exploration. All events will be live-streamed and archived for future dissemination.
主辦單位:National Humanities Center美國國家人文中心
*國立臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院院長廖咸浩(外國語文學系特聘教授)受邀與會,將於414日美國時間下午3點至5點參與發言與討論。所屬場次為「How Has Artificial Intelligence Challenged the Boundaries of Humanistic Thinking and How Might the Humanities Provide New Models for Artificial Intelligence?